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It is not clear when, but everything borns. Everything dies too. Everything crosses existence and leaves its mark, creates its gravity, alters its surroundings. The greater the mass, the greater the attraction. The greater the passion, the greater the fall. The more you feel, the more you identify. The greater the ignorance, the greater the judgment. The bigger the love, the bigger it is the possibility.

It takes a lot of love for a planet to orbit a star.

Concept, choreography and interpretation: Leonardo Calvino
External eye: Gustavo Hjerl and Joseph Viatte
Original soundtrack: Rodrigo Ribeiro
Extra track: Veleta Two Step | The Boats
Light design: Leonardo Calvino

Special thanks: Joana Couto, Gustavo Hjerl, Joseph Viatte, Yehudith Tegegne, Raxi Figueiredo, Andre Hidalgo, Aragorn Boulanger and my mom